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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tomatoes with eggs(番茄炒蛋)

Tomato is full of umami but a little sourness,  so my mom add sugar to decrease the sourness and add salt, but soy sauce, for the umami material can be produced by fried tomatoes.

The traditional Taiwanese cusisine.

Integridient(4 people)
  1. 4 tomatoes
  2. 3 eggs
  3. 2 bowls of water
  4. 6 dried mushroom
  5. 1 tbsp tea oil
  6. 3 tbsp water
  7. 2 tbsp
  8. 1 tsp salt
  9. 4 tbsp sugar

  1. Add oil into wok over middle heat.
  2. Fried the eggs until its side being brown.
  3. Take out the fried eggs and add the mushroom sliced by hand
  4. Fried the mushroom until smelling the aroma.
  5. Add water and cubed tomatoes and boil the soup
  6. Decrease the heat to small for 10 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile in a separate pan boil the water to cook the noodle for 5 minutes
  8. Add salt and sugar into the soup.
  9. Put the noodle in the bowl with some soup and then put a fried egg on the dish.

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